Tag: Tombstone

Web of Spider-Man #38 (1988)

“Moving Up” Rating: 4/5 Writer: Fabian Nicieza Artist: Alex Saviuk Hobgoblin wants more assassin work for Kingpin. He meets their new assassin Tombstone. Arranger tells him to kill Spider-Man to prove he’s good enough. Peter and MJ throw a party and somebody spikes the punch. Peter hears of Hobgoblin causing trouble at the Lincoln Tunnel and goes out to fight him, only to find that he’s a bit sloshed. Despite his inebriated state, he managesLearn More

The Spectacular Spider-Man #138 (1988)

“Night of the Flag!” Rating: 4/5 Writer: Gerry Conway Artist: Sal Buscema Captain America is told to help La Tarantula capture Spider-Man. Obviously, they skew the facts enough to make him agree to such a thing. While fighting Spider-Man, Captain America sees that La Tarantula has lied to him and is really a bad guy. Spider-Man defeats La Tarantula and turns him over to immigration. Tombstone breaks into Roland Rayburn’s office and tells him KingpinLearn More

Web of Spider-Man #36 (1988)

“Phreak Out!” Rating: 4/5 Writer: Gerry Conway Artist: Alex Saviuk The kid that controlled the robot in the last issue puts on a bionic suit that he was developing for the science fair. It gives him some extra power, but when someone comes in and turns on the lights it overloads and courses high amounts of electricity through his body. Then he has the ability to overload electronics just by touching them. He goes toLearn More

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