Tag: Kingpin

The Spectacular Spider-Man #158 (1989)

“Acts of Vengeance: The Paste and the Power (or a Very Sticky Situation)” Rating: 5/5 Writer: Gerry Conway Artist: Sal Buscema Trapster (a villain who shoots grease and cement-like paste) attacks Spider-Man, defeats him, and leaves him for dead. Spider-Man manages to get free of the paste after Trapster leaves. Turns out that a group of villains (Wizard, Magneto, Dr. Doom, and Kingpin) got together and are trying to kill each others enemies. During anLearn More

The Amazing Spider-Man #326 (1989)

“Acts of Vengeance: Gravity Storm” Rating: 4/5 Writer: David Michelinie Artist: Colleen Doran A man called Graviton who controls the effects of gravity is hired by Kingpin to kill Spider-Man. He lifts the Bugle building from its foundation and has a fight inside with Spider-Man while it floats. He defeats Spider-Man and leaves, thinking he’s dead. Spider-Man is just barely alive and goes back home to find that MJ has gotten a part on aLearn More

Web of Spider-Man #55 (1989)

“Showdown” Rating: 4/5 Writer: Gerry Conway Artist: Alex Saviuk The Lobo brothers have turned their war against innocent civilians. Kingpin’s had enough and arranges a meeting with them to discuss peace. Chameleon hears of this meeting and uses the opportunity for an ambush. Hammerhead’s men drive by shooting and a fight breaks out. Spider-Man shows up and joins in on the action. Kingpin leaves with the Arranger and Gloria ends up accidentally killing her boyfriendLearn More

The Spectacular Spider-Man #154 (1989)

“Claws” Rating: 4/5 Writer: Gerry Conway Artist: Sal Buscema Chameleon is now disguising himself as the Arranger to get information from Kingpin’s men, now that he doesn’t have the resources of the Bugle. MJ is feeling overwhelmed with everything that’s going on. Spider-Man sees that Puma is back in town and fights him for a while, but Puma gets away. The Arranger buys silver bullets. Kristy (MJ’s cousin) denies that she’s bulimic.

Web of Spider-Man #54 (1989)

“The Wolves of War” Rating: 4/5 Writer: Gerry Conway Artist: Alex Saviuk The Lobo brothers (in werewolf form) mutilate the Kingpin’s men. Kingpin had the foresight to leave a dummy in his office and hide somewhere. Peter arrives home and collapses and then sleeps off the effects of the serum. Upset about the Bugle accusing him of being involved in the massacre of Kingpin’s men, Spider-Man goes to the new sleazy photographer for the BugleLearn More

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