Tag: Gerry Conway

Web of Spider-Man Annual #6 (1990)

Rating: 4/5 “Up From Slavery” Writers: Gerry Conway & Stan Lee Artists: Gil Kane & Sal Buscema & Mike Esposito & Alan Kupperberg Psycho-Man tries to get Spider-Man’s Enigma energy, but can’t because Spidey lost it months ago. Spider-Man is put in a cage next to a bunch of other captives. They work together and break free. Spider-Man fights Psycho-Man and eventually shrinks Psycho-Man until he can’t see him anymore. Spider-Man grows back to normalLearn More

The Spectacular Spider-Man Annual #10 (1990)

Rating: 4/5 “Into the Microverse” Writers: Gerry Conway & Stan Lee Artist: Rich Buckler Spider-Man returns home, small as a bee, and explains to MJ what happened. She takes him to Harry’s lab where they try something, but Spider-Man just keeps getting smaller. He eventually becomes smaller than the smallest nuclei and lands on a microscopic world where they try to capture him. He continues getting smaller and lands in some kind of spaceship whereLearn More

Web of Spider-Man #70 (1990)

“A Hulk by Any Other Name…” Rating: 4/5 Writers: Gerry Conway & David Michelinie Artist: Alex Saviuk Spider-Man takes the doohickey that zapped him back to New York and puts it in a storage locker. Betty and Jameson are furious for him leaving Betty like he did. He leaves the office, not feeling so well, and turns into Hulk on the roof. He calms back down and makes his way to the scientists lab andLearn More

Web of Spider-Man #69 (1990)

“The Subtle Shade of Green” Rating: 4/5 Writer: Gerry Conway Artist: Alex Saviuk There are reports of some wild animal causing trouble in Connecticut. Peter goes there to take photos and Betty goes as his reporter. Peter changes into Spider-Man at a police barricade and follows his spider sense to find Bruce Banner and his wife. Some scientist zaps Banner, sucking out his massive energy. Banner turns into Hulk and beats on him. Spider-Man startsLearn More

The Spectacular Spider-Man #170 (1990)

“The Final Calculation” Rating: 3/5 Writer: Gerry Conway Artist: Sal Buscema Spider-Man and his team wait at the Avengers building. Spidey attacks Captain America and instructs the rest to do likewise. Eventually, Spider-Man turns into The Space Phantom and when the real Spider-Man returns from Limbo, he tries to call a truce. Puma finds the Space Phantom and the fighting stops. Space Phantom tells them what happened. Quasar locks him in an energy prison cellLearn More

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