Tag: Captain America

The Amazing Spider-Man #270 (1985)

“The Hero and the Holocaust!” Rating: 5/5 Writer: Tom DeFalco Artist: Ron Frenz Spider-Man leads Firelord in a chase all over the city and blows him up a few times, but Firelord just won’t stay down. Spider-Man eventually just goes for an all-out attack on him, jumping around like a jack rabbit and landing his hardest punches on him. He knocks Firelord unconscious. The Avengers (Captain America, The Wasp, Starfox, Hercules, and Black Knight) finallyLearn More

The Amazing Spider-Man #187 (1978)

“The Power of Electro!” Rating: 4/5 Writer: Marv Wolfman Artist: Jim Starlin Captain America guest stars. Cap and Spider-Man must rescue a child that has the plague, from Electro (working for an unrevealed Spencer Smythe).

The Amazing Spider-Man Annual #03 (1966)

“…To Become an Avenger!” Rating: 4/5 Writer: Stan Lee Artist: John Romita The Avengers want Spider-Man to join, so make him take a test. A test of bringing in the Hulk. Spider-Man intentionally fails the test because he sees the Hulk change back into Bruce Banner and sees he’s not a really bad guy. The members of the Avengers in this issue are: Iron Man, Captain America, Hawkeye, Ant Man, The Wasp, and Thor.

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